“Turning systems of care ideas into solid strategies for change requires a tangible approach to system development at multiple levels: policy and administrative levels, program implementation levels, and the level of practice. To accomplish this, stakeholders need to anchor their system of care ideas in clear and specific expectations for the children and families they expect to serve, what they hope to accomplish, and how they believe they can effectively achieve their goals. Making expectations for system change clear in this way is called using a theory of change or theory-based approach to systems of care development. This use of “theory” is different than theory in the sense of scientific principle such as a theory of combustion or theory of gravity. For systems of care, theories are beliefs, based on available knowledge and research that guide the selection and combination of the services and supports made available to children and their families. In systems of care, using theory to guide action allows stakeholders to make clear statements about what they believe will bring about necessary change for children with serious emotional disturbance and their families.”
