“This issue brief will present cross-site patterns of system implementation. These patterns emerged from the analysis of locally identified implementation factors that stakeholders considered critical to system of care development. In each of the four participating systems, local implementation factors were identified and defined by a small group of key system stakeholders and validated by a broader group of system stakeholders. A total of 41 implementation factors were identified, and the research team grouped these factors into four categories according to their primary role in leveraging system change: Values and Beliefs Factors, Goals Factors, Structures Factors, and Information Factors. This cross-site analysis of factors is grounded in literature related to complexity theory (Capra, 2002; Holland, 1995) and system development (Checkland, 1993; Meadows, 1999). In particular, concepts related to leveraging system change were informed by Meadows (1999, n.d.). A complete list of locally identified system implementation factors and definitions is available at http://rtckids.fmhi.usf.edu/cssi/.”
