Wraparound Success Story

When Choices provides Wraparound services for a youth and their family, that means connecting the family with different kinds of support.

In the case of one Louisiana teen, Choices worked with her and her mother for over a year, building on their strengths to attain success.

The teen has a history of self-harm and aggression and had been admitted for inpatient treatment about 60 times between the ages of 7 to 16. She struggled with severe lack of self-esteem and social anxiety. The youth and mother were struggling in their relationship to communicate and understand each other.

When Choices was called in, we first worked with the mother and daughter to repair their relationship by connecting them with a family therapist. In one activity that resonated with them, both mom and daughter posted notes on the mirror of one thing they liked about themselves. They also shared each day one thing they liked about the other. Their relationship progressed and they are now working on individual therapy.

To address anxiety, the teen started taking short walks to the neighborhood store every day. After about three months, she felt comfortable enough to purchase something and interact with the cashier. Now she is thinking of applying for a job there! Her self-esteem is improving and she’s begun to pick out and wear clothes that make her feel good about herself.

Congrats to daughter and mom on all their hard work; and to Choices staff for helping to keep this family together and on the road to success.